Efficient Ways for Busy Mums to Boost Quality Time and Intimacy

Hey there, super mum!

Balancing a busy work schedule while managing the unique challenges of raising teens? I get it, it’s like trying to sip a hot coffee in a playground – messy, loud, and rarely successful. And in all this commotion, the bond with your partner might sometimes feel like it's running on low battery.

So, let's get that spark back with some tried-and-true tactics for working mums of teens:

  1. Make the Most of Teen Independence: Remember when a trip to the bathroom without an audience felt like luxury? Now that the kids are older, use those moments when they're engrossed in their world. Maybe it's a spontaneous dance in the kitchen while they're on their gadgets or a quick coffee date while they're at their after-school activities. Embrace those pockets of freedom!

  2. Date Night at Home: No babysitter needed? Perfect! How about a home-cooked dinner (or takeout – no judgment here) and a movie night at home? Don't forget to set the ambiance – soft lighting, your favourite tunes, and maybe even dress up a little. It’s the little things that can make a regular evening feel special.

  3. Revisit Old Memories: Dive into those old photo albums or reminisce about the first time you both met. It's a beautiful way to remember why you started this journey together, especially on those days when everything feels overwhelming.

  4. Learn Together: Try picking up a new hobby or skill together. Maybe it's a cooking class, dance lessons, or even learning a new language. It’s a fun way to bond and share experiences, even with tight schedules.

  5. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate: This can't be stressed enough. Whether it’s over text during a work break or a brief chat before bedtime, always check in on each other. Sharing daily wins, challenges or even a funny meme can help maintain that connection.

Remember, amidst the hustle of work, soccer practice, and parent-teacher meetings, the love story between you and your partner is still unfolding. With a sprinkle of creativity and a dash of intentionality, you can continue to nourish that bond.

Book something in this week- Thank me later :)



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